Program 会议议程
Main Conference 主会议
The Potential of AI for Transforming Education: Smart Classrooms and Learning Communities
多伦多大学教授 Jim Slotta
Learning Analytics for Student-AI Interactions: Current Work and Future Possibilities
香港大学副教授 胡晓
A Tale of Two Intelligences: Promoting Al Literacy in Upper Primary Education
香港中文大学助理教授 戴韵
Generative AI for Personalized Learning: Myth, Reality or Promise?
南洋理工大学名誉教授、香港教育大学教授 Chee Kit Looi
Knowledge Building and the Learning Sciences
香港大学副教授 Jan van Aalst
Generative AI for Promoting Student Agency and Knowledge Building
香港大学教授 Carol Chan
Information Science and Technology Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and challenges
南方科技大学教授 赵建华